
Louis vuitton panda wallet designed by Takashi Muradami

Do you still remember the most popular louis vuitton cherry blossom series? Do you still the “panda” series in louis vuitton handbag and wallet series? All of these are the successful works of Takashi Muradami. In 2009 spring, louis vuitton launch the latest multicolor monogram wallets and other small leather products. The inner is lined with lovely pink pattern. The latest small louis vuitton wallet and other accessories will be on louis vuitton sale store on april 24th in Japanese louis vuitton store. In this series, you can see pandas on the louis vuitton wallet which is a symbol of china. May be we can think that louis vuitton will have large market in china in future and do its best to adopt to Chinese traditional. The publication of this series will be a good new both for louis vuitton handbag and wallets fan and Chinese culture fans

Takashi Muradami for louis vuitton panda pattern series

louis vuitton wallet
lv3032 Louis vuitton panda wallet designed by Takashi Muradami
louis vuitton wallet
Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolore Greta M40195 - Click Image to Close

